Updated Visitation Guidance
Click below for an update on our visitation plan, based on CT DPH and CDC guidance, effective 3/16/2021: Visitation Guidance (CT)… Continue reading
Click below for an update on our visitation plan, based on CT DPH and CDC guidance, effective 3/16/2021: Visitation Guidance (CT)… Continue reading
March 12, 2021 Dear Resident, Family Member or Responsible Party, On March 10th, CMS issued revised guidance which can be found on their website at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/infection-control-after-vaccination.html on nursing home visitation, which includes new guidance on indoor visitation and visitation during outbreaks under certain circumstances. As before, when an outbreak is detected among residents or staff,… Continue Reading Continue reading
March 10, 2021 Dear Resident, Family Member or Responsible Party, Unfortunately, we had a staff member test positive during this week’s testing for the COVID-19 virus. According to the CDC and DPH guidance, we must put indoor visitations on hold until we complete a two-week cycle of no positive residents and/or employees. In… Continue Reading Continue reading
March 09, 2021 Dear Resident, Family Member or Responsible Party, It looks like we will see an early burst of spring this week. Our goal is to get everyone some fresh air and sunshine this week! As you well know, this week marks one year that every nursing home in our state was… Continue Reading Continue reading
March 1, 2021 Dear Resident, Family Member or Responsible Party, As always, we hope this letter finds you safe and healthy. Currently, we do not have any COVID-19 positive residents in our building or any staff members that are at home in quarantine. According to the CDC and DPH guidance, we had to put indoor… Continue Reading Continue reading
February 22, 2021 Dear Resident, Family Member or Responsible Party, As always, we hope this letter finds you safe and healthy. Currently, we do not have any COVID-19 positive residents in our building. Unfortunately, we had two employees test positive during our last round of testing. According to the CDC and DPH guidance, we… Continue Reading Continue reading
Dear Resident, Family Member or Responsible Party, As always, we hope this letter finds you safe and healthy. Currently, we have one COVID-19 positive resident who was in their admissions quarantine period with no COVID-19 positive employees. We continue to offer on a daily basis IPads/ Tablets for our residents to use… Continue Reading Continue reading
Dear Resident, Family Member or Responsible Party, As always, we hope this letter finds you safe and healthy. We continue to not have any COVID positive residents at Bayview. We currently do have 1 employee who is quarantining at home. As reminder, with the start of the New Year, if your insurance information has changed,… Continue Reading Continue reading
Dear Resident, Family Member or Responsible Party, As always, we hope this letter finds you safe and healthy as we begin the New Year! Great news to continue the new year with, we do not have any COVID positive residents at Bayview. We do have 1 employee who is quarantining at home. The COVID-19 vaccination… Continue Reading Continue reading
January 3, 2021 Dear Resident, Family Member or Responsible Party, Happy New Year! Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy 2021! Great news to start off the new year with, we do not have any COVID positive residents at Bayview. We do have 4 employees who are quarantining at home. We are all… Continue Reading Continue reading