A Healthier Approach To Caring

Update from Administrator – March 12, 2021

March 12, 2021

Dear Resident, Family Member or Responsible Party,

On March 10th, CMS issued revised guidance which can be found on their website at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/infection-control-after-vaccination.html on nursing home visitation, which includes new guidance on indoor visitation and visitation during outbreaks under certain circumstances.

As before, when an outbreak is detected among residents or staff, all visitation must be suspended except for compassionate care visits, until at least one round of facility wide testing is completed.

Unfortunately, we had one employee test positive during our last round of testing and we are currently closed for indoor visitations at this time.

We always offer visitations using our technology (iPads, tablets, calls, etc.) and when we can, window visits and outside visits. If you do not have an appointment scheduled, please contact the recreation department at 860-444-1175 to schedule an appointment for an outdoor visit, window visit or facetime visit.

Thank you and please stay safe and healthy!

~ From all of us at Bayview Health Care


March 12, 2021 A Healthier Approach To Caring