Update from Administrator – September 15, 2020
September 15, 2020
Dear Resident, Family Member or Responsible Party,
As you may have heard on the news, nursing homes will begin receiving “Rapid” COVID testing machines from the federal government over the coming weeks. The state of CT DPH has approved their use for staff, residents, and visitors. As soon as we receive the machines, have conducted training on them, and have the necessary supplies to conduct the tests – we look forward to putting them to use! More information will follow on this as it becomes available.
We had a few weeks when all our staff and resident testing negative for COVID-19. Unfortunately, last week one of our staff members, who was asymptomatic, tested positive for COVID-19. In accordance with DPH guidelines, until we have at least 2 consecutive weeks of no one testing positive, we will be resuming weekly testing of both residents and staff.
Our current in-house numbers are:
- 38 COVID-19 recovered residents
- 0 COVID-19 pending residents
- 0 COVID-19 positive current residents
- 1 COVID-19 positive staff member
We are STRONGLY encouraging that all staff and residents receive an annual Influenza Vaccine. While the vaccine is not in the center yet, we will be sending consent forms out for the annual vaccination soon.
Although there are a lot of new rules and regulations due to the pandemic, we are still proceeding with most of our regular recreation activities and as many of our annual events as possible.
Our hairdresser comes on a regular basis to cut our resident’s hair outside. We are very happy to see their new look.
We are continuing with patio visits for as long as the weather stays warm enough, but if it is not conducive for a visit, we may need to reschedule for another day or offer a Facetime visit instead. Also, now that it is getting dark earlier, the last patio visit will be scheduled for 3:30pm.
From the 15th to the 18th we are having our annual Mums plant sale to support The Alzheimer’s Association. If you are scheduled for a patio visit during that time, the plants will be out near the courtyard and available for sale for $10 each between 10am -2pm.
On Wednesday, the 16th, we are hosting an outdoor concert for our residents. They will be able to get some fresh air and enjoy old time music by Willie Niniger. Wednesday’s are also gourmet day at Bayview, our Coral Reef residents can go over to the “Coral Cafe” for a special lunch and enjoy communal dining together in groups of 5 at a time.
Our number one priority at Bayview is to keep our residents safe and happy. Especially now during this difficult time, we are determined to make sure that our residents continue to feel connected to the outside world.
Thank You for all your continued support.
~ From all of us at Bayview Health Care