Update from Administrator – December 17, 2020
I hope that this email has found you well. My name is Cristine Emerson and I am the Infection Control Nurse at Bayview Healthcare. The purpose of this notification is to update you on the COVID-19 vaccine. As we all know, COVID-19 is a global pandemic that has claimed over 300,000 American lives and many more globally. Pfizer pharmaceuticals has produced a two-step vaccine that was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), this past Friday December 11th. This vaccine is now available to all long term care facilities and hospitals. LTC residents are amongst the highest risk of the population for the potential to contract and possibly die from COVID-19. This is why recommendations have been made by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for residents and staff in Long-term Care Facilities (LTCF) to be the first to receive the vaccine.
Ensuring that we make this vaccine available to LTCF residents as soon as possible will help save lives. LTCF residents are usually older adults that generally have underlying medical conditions that put them at increased risk for infection, severe illness from COVID-19 or even death. Thirty-Six percent of COVID-19 deaths in the United States were in LTCF. We at Bayview, put safety and security above everything else and this is why we have partnered with CVS pharmacy to bring the COVID-19 vaccination to our residents and staff.
There will be three vaccination clinics in total. During the first clinic, January 7th 2021, residents and staff that wish to receive the vaccine will get their first dose. During the second clinic, January 28th 2021, those who have received their first dose will receive their second and those who have not received the vaccine will have the opportunity to receive their first dose. The third clinic, which is not scheduled yet, is solely for administering the second dose to those who had received their first dose in clinic 2 and no first doses will be administered.
It is important to note that our parents and grandparents have been through a similar vaccine administration with Small pox, DTap (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis and Polio), MMR (Measles Mumps and Rubella) and alike. They were truly pioneers in receiving first time vaccines that resulted in eradicating illnesses. Like any medication or vaccine, there are expected side effects and we need to have this information to be properly informed on what to expect. This is why I have attached a Pfizer vaccine FAQ sheet and Q&A. Furthermore, you will also find an electronic “fillable” version of the responsible party consent form. You can fill out the consent form and email it to me at ICN@Bayviewhcc.com. I will also be following up with every family member to gain verbal consent for vaccine administration and to answer any questions that you might have.
Important links:
Best regards,
Cristine Emerson, LPN
Interim Infection Preventionist / Wound Care