Partners in Dedication

Left to right: Kim Carlson, Mary Molish, Casandra Souza
This past Tuesday, June 11th, 2019, the owner of our center, Athena, held their annual Partners in Dedication event. This year it was hosted at The Country Club of Farmington. This event is in place to recognize our committed employees who have been with us for ten, twenty, and thirty years as of December 2018. Their dedication to our organization and quality care has been proven through the years, as they have made a special commitment to their residents, patients, and co-workers.
A total of 113 employees from the Athena network were recognized for their dedication and commitment for providing quality care to residents and patients. Eleven employees were recognized for thirty years of working with us. Additionally, twenty-nine employees were recognized for twenty years of working with us. Finally, eighty-three employees were recognized for ten years of working with us. We want to congratulate and thank all of those who attended the event!